Our Mission: Donate 10% of all photo proceeds to charitable organizations.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


When you own a small business, making a sale is exciting. Especially when you're semi-pro photographers running the operation out of your over-crowded one bedroom apartment, and doing the majority of your marketing through Facebook, Twitter, and word-of-mouth. The most rewarding part about selling a print is knowing our art is hanging in someone else's home - someone we don't know. It's just cool.

When a sale comes in, we're excited to find out who bought it (do we know them or not?), where they live (are they in the DC area or someone else in the country), what photo(s) they purchased (was it one of mine or Lauren's?), and what size/finish they choose. It's interesting to see which photos are popular - sometimes it takes us by surprise.

The other day we got our first repeat buyer. It makes us feel legitimate. Someone liked our photos enough to take a chance and order a couple online, and loved them enough to go back to the site and order more. And that leads me to my final thought:

Thank you. For anyone who has made a purchase from Photos That Give, we truly appreciate it. We appreciate that you like our work, but we're even more thankful that you enable us to give back to all the organizations that make a difference.

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